
CartoCrow is a framework that simplifies the implementation of algorithms in cartographic visualization. It allows researchers to experiment with these algorithms and use them to generate maps. The framework behind CartoCrow can be used to run other cartography algorithms online. CartoCrow consists of a C++ library which also provides a command-line frontend, and a web interface which allows end users to generate maps in a user-friendly way.

CartoCrow is available on GitHub here:


CartoCrow consists of the following modules. The modules marked (work in progress) are not yet in a finished state, while the modules marked (future work) are planned, but implementation work has not yet been started.

Thematic maps


(A cartogram is a map in which the shapes of regions are distorted such that the size of each region corresponds to some variable, such as population.)




Initial development of CartoCrow was supported by the Netherlands eScience Center under NLeSC grant 027.015.G02 “Algorithmic Geo-visualization: from Theory to Practice”.